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She is ME
Posté par solitude le 11/11/2010 00:07:44
I know what you're saying now, this is lame what I'm doing... Writing something on your birthday is Lame and stupid, but i don't care, coz I just wanted to tell you what I never expected I will tell somebody someday... I am the one who thinks that she doesn't need the others, that she is better without them (I'm not telling that I am better than them)... For many years I thought that I will never need somebody, but when you came into my life, I saw that someday I will need someone to trust and rely on, I never expected that It will be you... Last year I was sure about that, I don't know when exactly, but I remember one day, I had the feeling of emptyness, and I just wanted to hug you, to have you in my arms, but I couldn't do it, I don't know why, It's just I COULDN'T... For example, when you were mad at somebody, or at yourself, I just wanted to hold your hand and run away so that you can only think about the speed, or something else. I know this isn't the ME that you know, but Here I am... Last day, we were talking about our favorite year of high school, I don't think that I had a favorite year, but I had many favorites moments, and it is only when I am with you (ALONE), I had some favorites moments with my family, but comparing the two of these moments, I will choose for SURE those when I am with you... I don't know, but when I am with you, I feel like I'm living something that I will never regret, I am For god's sake living something for once in my life.

I don't have many friends, or I should say I have One friend, and god knows this is Enough for me when it is you... I feel like I'm who I want to be when I'm with you without the others, I never wanted to leave you... For example, last day when you wanted to buy a gift for your mum, that night, I didn't want to leave you, I just wanted to stay in the car, hold your hand, and talk... But I knew that we had to go home : I hated that moment...
You're thinking that I must have lost My mind, but I didn't, I'm just telling you what I wanted to tell you for a year, I was prisoner of it, every day I wanted to hug you, but I couldn't. Every day I wanted to hold your hand, but I couldn't, every day I wanted to be with you alone, but I couldn't. Every day, I wanted to be with you like the day when I slept in your's, but I couldn't. Every day, I wanted to take you away from here, but I couldn't. Every day I wanted to hold you back in my world, but I couldn't. Every day, I wanted to have you for me alone, but I couldn't. Every day of last year I wanted to do All this, but It's just I couldn't, and sometimes I hated myself... But what could I do ? I was there, in front of you, but I couldn't reach you, you were far far away, I tried to catch you... I tried to hold you back... Sometimes I succeeded, But sometimes I fell on my knees, and when I looked around me, I couldn't find you...
I'm telling you all this so you'll know that you're precious to me... You are the only person that I wanted...

PS : Désolé pour mon anglais, je suis une débutante... Donc, j'essaye de l'améliorer en écrivant ! Merci pour votre compréhension !

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